Attic Ventilation Facts

Letting your attic breathe is an important part of maintaining a healthy and energy efficient home. As the sun heats your roof throughout the day, attic temperatures can reach over 150 degrees in the summer without proper ventilation.

When your attic cannot breathe it traps heat that can build up and create havoc in your home, such as:

  • Higher Utility Cost
  • Moisture buildup
  • Creates hotspot in some rooms
  • Leakage
  • Overworked HVAC
  • Deterioration of your roof material
  • Expensive Damage
  • Microbial Infestation

"Roof Attic Ventilation"

Benefits of Installing a Solar Powered Attic Ventilation System

Installing a solar-powered attic ventilation system can help regulate the temperature and moisture levels in your attic, which can lead to energy savings and extend the life of your roof.

Allowing your attic to breath with proper ventilation keeps heat from entering your home and eliminates unexpected exterior & interior expenses from heat and moisture buildup. A well-ventilated attic possesses many advantages for our hot and humid climate in Florida.

When heat is redirected, the results are:

  • Cost effective savings
  • Cooler roof = cooler attic/home environment
  • Improve HVAC performance
  • Increase the lifespan of your roof material


Call us today to discuss adding a solar powered attic ventilation system.  We are here to help you in every way possible.

Give us a call at 772-521-ROOF or simply fill out a form to request your free estimate!


“Simply, they did what said they going to do, when they were going to do it, everyone was professional and they said “thank you”. We established a price and time schedule and each was adhered to. I would highly recommend this company and our sales rep. Kyla Kept us fully informed and updated. I never thought I would say this but, “I love my roof”.”

Richard Hedrick

“We had a great experience, they showed up when they were supposed to with the proper materials handled all the permit process and everything went exactly as they specified. quite a nice change in today’s environment. we enjoyed working with them so much that we asked them to go all the way to Titusville to look at another job for us. The best I can say is they are neat, clean, orderly and professional.”

Kevin Stone

“After both Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Irma I had roof damage, one with a leak. I called All Area Roofing and they were out the same day – gave me a very reasonable quote – and had the repairs done within 48 hours of our agreeing on a price. My property was left spotless I could hardly tell they were even there other than I could see the new shingles. I was very pleased with my experience.”

Donna Ernest

“As a General Contractor we work with many subcontractors for different scope of work. It was our first time using All Area Roofing for the roofing scope on one of our renovation projects. They provided a high level of professionalism both from the Office and in the Field. Highly recommended!”

S3S Construction

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